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Who is Futures of Prairie du
Chien, WI, Inc.?
FUTURES of Prairie du Chien, WI, Inc. is a tax exempt, nonprofit
foundation founded in 1992 by a group of concerned Prairie du Chien High School
graduates. Its purpose, to establish an endowment for graduating seniors
pursuing excellence through continuing education, has been achieved. We now
need to grow. Everyone can be part of FUTURES.
The FUTURES of Prairie du
Chien, WI, Inc. Board does work closely with the school officials and uses the
high school as the corporate address, but we are a corporation totally separate
from the school district. We rate students independently for our scholarships
based on data obtained from the student, school district and the community.
What is Futures of Prairie du
Chien, WI, Inc.?
The purpose of Futures of Prairie du Chien is to award
scholarships on the basis of outstanding achievement in high school by
financially assisting students to continue their pursuit of excellence in
continuing education.
As a nonprofit institution, FUTURES of Prairie du Chien, WI, Inc. was established to accept gifts in support of its goals and objectives.
The foundation's goal is to
increase the number and amount of scholarships already available to Prairie du
Chien High School graduation seniors. Dependent upon funds available,
scholarships will be offered for college and/or vocational technical education.
Why is Futures of Prairie du
Chien needed?
Rising costs of post high school education, coupled with the
greater need for continuing education by all future members of the working
world, prompted a group of Prairie High School graduates to help turn dreams of
future graduates into realities.
What has Futures of Prairie du Chien achieved?
achieving its corporate and tax exempt status in 1992, the Board gave its first
$500 scholarship in May of 1994 and has established objective criteria on which
to evaluate the scholarship applicants.
FUTURES has raised sufficient funds
from past graduates, friends and businesses in the community to give 420 scholarships to Prairie du Chien High School seniors totaling over $400,000
from the earnings.
How is success assured?
ongoing participation and support by the community and graduates, increased
scholarships can continually be offered by Futures of Prairie du Chien.
Board of Directors
Kyle Teynor – President
Email | 608.412.5229
Tyler Kozelka – Vice President
Email |
| 608.326.4680
Randy Bushnell – Secretary
Email | 608.412.2532
Lindsey Ariss – Asst. Treasurer
Email |
Denise Hanson
Email |
Barb Myers
Email |
Bob Sutton
Email | 608.778.2725
Email| 608.412.0220
Mary Emmrich
Email | 704.458.2633
Susan David
Email | 608.412.1620
Erin Peterson
Email | 608.412.1841
Tracy Fernette
Email | 608.326.7225
Meeting Schedule
Futures of Prairie du Chien meet multiple times during the school year in an effort to coordinate, organize, and plan for awarding scholarship during Prairie du Chien School's annual Class Night.
Futures of Prairie du Chien meets at 4:30pm at Peoples State Bank in Riverside Square (and/or by Zoom).
Contact US
Questions about the application process? Interested in donating or being part of Futures of Prairie du Chien? Reach out directly to a board member by calling or sending an email listed above. We're happy to answer any questions you may have about the process, or how to donate to Futures of Prairie du Chien!
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