Named Scholarships
Futures of Prairie du Chien,
Inc. Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500 each. Any degree major is considered.
Flagship of the Futures of Prairie du Chien, Inc. Scholarship Program. It's
focus is to present a deserving graduating Senior a financial award towards
post high school education. This is a Merit based scholarship given in
perpetuity. The Futures Scholarship was the first and only scholarship awarded
in 1994, Future's inaugural year, by its founder Morris McFarlane.
This scholarship of $500.00 is awarded with any degree major considered.
Morris McFarlane Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500. Any degree major is considered.
Named for
the founder of Futures of Prairie du Chien Inc Scholarship Program. Morris was
a 1944 graduate of Prairie du Chien High School. His post high school education
was interrupted by serving in the Pacific Theater during WWII with the United
Stated Marine Corps. When his tour of duty ended, he enrolled at UW Madison,
later transferring to UW Stout.
graduating with honors Morris's first teaching job was in Wauzeka, moving to
Portage and retiring from Mequon Thiensville School District in 1988. Morris
was a life-long educator which saw him as Department Head for Industrial Arts
Department, Technology Education Department Head, LVEC (Local Vocational
Educational Coordinator) for the MT School District Vocational Education
programs, Vocational Counseling, Coordinator of Bus Transportation for the
School District and was responsible for the implementation of the Drivers
Education Program.
It was at a
Class Reunion in 1992 that he gathered a group of like-minded individuals to
serve on the board of Futures. The initial board members were: Morris &
Maureen McFarlane, Darlene Wolfgram, George Sutton, Don Higgins, Virginia
Elvert and Lloyd Konichek.
Over the
course of the next two years, the Board met frequently in Prairie du Chien.
Despite still living in West Bend at the time, Morris & Maureen would drive
back to Prairie du Chien for these first meetings. The Board drew up Articles
of Incorporation, By-Laws, became a Federally recognized (501C) Tax-Exempt
organization, and shaped the initial Scholarship Application.
believed wholeheartedly in education. It was his hope that someday any Prairie
High graduate that desires a post high school education would have the
opportunity for a scholarship from Futures.
Maureen McFarlane Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500. Any degree major–preference may be given to
library/information services/humanities.
Maureen was
also a Prairie du Chien High School graduate in 1942. Maureen excelled in
writing and was a voracious reader. Her books took her wherever she wanted to
Maureen was
a Crawford County Deputy Clerk. After her marriage to Morris in October 1949,
raising three children and attending UW-Milwaukee, she eventually took a job
with the Grafton School District. She headed Kennedy-Wooden Elementary School
Library for 30 years. During that time she oversaw a library that grew from a
tiny room with a few books to a new full Library Media Center. Maureen taught
the children how to use a Library and its vast resources but mostly she
instilled a love of books and reading in her all her children and students.
also served on the Futures of Prairie du Chien Inc Board contributing ideas,
serving as its Secretary, and providing all-around duties and support for
The $500.00
Maureen McFarlane Scholarship is a Merit based scholarship and is given in
perpetuity. Any degree major is considered with preference given to
library/information services/humanities.
B.A. Kennedy Memorial
Scholarship (possibility of renewal)
2 or more
scholarships ranging from $1000–$4000. Any degree major is considered.
Scholarship Glen S Kramer
Nursing Scholarship
scholarship awarded ranges from $500-$750. A goal of a nursing degree is
Glen S.
Kramer served as a male nurse in Madison for many years before retiring to his
home community of Eastman. It was his desire that a scholarship be given to a
graduating senior entering the nursing field. This is a Merit based
Scholarship. The first Kramer Scholarship was presented in 2000.
Ida Cecil Hanson Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500. Any degree major is considered.
Jack Howe Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $1000. Degree major in graphic design or related major.
3M Scholarship (Technical College)
scholarship awarded at $1000–$2000. Major focused on manufacturing technology.
Bernard Pedretti Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500. Agriculture-related degree focus.
Roy West Scholarship
scholarship awarded at $500-1000. Any degree major. Preference may be
given to a trades degree.
Class of 1962 Scholarship
1-2 scholarships awarded at $500-1000. Any degree major. Financial need is a primary consideration with a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
Stacy Polodna Memorial Scholarship
Detective Polodna was a proud graduate of Prairie du Chien High School in 1987 and would serve in public safety for 20 years.
1 scholarship awarded at $500. For those seeking a degree in Criminal Justice or related field. 3.0 GPA, 4-year or 2-year degree.
Louis & Rita Horkheimer Education Scholarship
Life long residents of Prairie du Chien township, Louis & Rita always recognized the importance of education and encouraged family to broaden their endeavors in education - acknowledging teachers are a valuable part of our community.
2 scholarships awarded at $1000. Students enrolled in a 4-year university with a major in Education (K-12). 3.0 GPA.
Louis & Rita Horkheimer "Teaching Excellence in Education Scholarship"
Louis & Rita always recognized the imporatance of education and acknowledge that teachers are a valuable part of the community. 1 scholarship awarded at $1000. Given to a staff member of the Prairie du Chien school district that exemplifies all that is pedagogy. An emphasis on staff members that take a special interest and effort in encouraging graduates of PdC to obtain higher education. Staff members should be positive role models and create challenging academic environments.
Schickert Family Scholarship
Dan and Ryan Schickert both attended UW-LaCrosse. They would like to assist to graduating PdC seniors that have excelled in the classroom, athletics, and extracurricular events; and have chosen UW-La Crosse to continue their education.
2 scholarships (one male, one female) awarded at $500. Any degree major. Must be enrolled to attend UW-La Crosse.
Financial Need Consideration Scholarships
Charlie and Sally Specht Family
1 scholarship awarded at $300. Student must attend a 4 year college and
major inbusiness. Preference will be given to those with financial need.
D. Weston Day and Margaret
Mueller Day Memorial Scholarship
(possibility of renewal) 2 or more scholarships ranging from $1000–$4000.
Any degree major is considered. Balanced consideration of financial need,
merit, and extra-curricular activities.
Louie Bernabei Engineering
1 scholarship awarded at $1000. Degree major of engineering. Preference given
to industrial engineering degree and financial need.
Financial Need Based Scholarships
Addie Smith Scholarships
One or more scholarships awarded at a minimum of $1000 each. Financial need is
Addie Smith was a life-long resident of Crawford County and Prairie du Chien. Addie taught in various Crawford County schools for 40 years, beginning in 1920. She initially taught in Barnum, Lynxville, and Wauzeka. She was the Rural Teacher Supervisor for Crawford County, held the position of Principal of the Eastman Grade School and was the sixth grade teacher at the Prairie du Chien grade school until her retirement in 1960. Past students called her strict but fair, always had control of her classroom and they knew how much she cared about them.
passed in 1996 at the age of 96 and was the first “Named Scholarship” of
Futures. Addie Smith specified that her scholarship be awarded to a Prairie du
Chien High School graduating Senior on an annual basis, with financial need
being a primary consideration.
legacy continues to educated Future students to this day.
Ada Weston Day and John D. Day
Memorial Scholarship (possibility of renewal)